The passionate twins Janicey and Cecilia Khan, also known as "The JC Twins" have won the award for Excellence in TV production in 2018 and travelled the world to meet different people and discover different cultures. The value and dedication they daily invest in community development has lead in trust and support from various individuals and organizations. The joy it brought to their lives resulted into this platform O.K.E TVonline wherin they give the Generation Z population a digital medium to connect, interact, broadcast their talents, but also to help them accomplish their goals. These twins dare to dream big and are dedicated and motivated to get their missions accomplished. This is why they encourage others to do the same as they raise funds with their newspaper and other creative ideas to support their peers. Eventhough obstacles may come along their ways, they deligently remain their focus as they work towards their goals and cherish each person who wants to team and reach greater heights. Their hard work is definatly paying off! In 2019 they were granted the chance to work on a 10 year SDG goal for a Caribbean Sport Community. They happily embraced this opportunity and hereby present the participants with you. Please stay tuned on all activities of the JC's Twins and CariSportUnity to see how they progress the SDG 2020-2030 goals. 

Where is the cause operation sight?

O.K.E TVonline is located in Suriname and together with its partner Ezekiel Elite Sports Academy in Guyana they teamed up to establish a structure in order to enhance the Caribbean Sport Community. Suriname acknowledge different learning structures. Its priority is to become a productive habitat of the country. 

On this platform we offer real mentors, real progress and real results to all who join JC's Mission and Media production. As a team we hope to reach many parents, educators and above all many GenZ-ers! The JC's Twins dare to... #DREAMBIG and work hard to get their missions accomplished. "If you have a vision, JOIN JC'S MISSION!"

  • Mijn Krant

    We thank H2O media for their supportive deeds supporting JC's Mission & Media Productions. Join this club if you would like to write for our newspaper, enhance your creative writing skills and/ our presentation skills on our platform O.K.E TVonline.

  • O.K.E TVonline

    Wij danken H20 Media voor de ondersteuning aan JC's Mission & Media Production geboden. Sluit je aan bij deze club als jij je creative schrijfwijze wilt publiceren in "Mijn Krant" en/of je presenteer talent graag tentoonstelt op O.K.E TVonline.

  • Ezekiel Elite Sports Academy

    JC Sport Academy is the Junior department sponsored by Ezekiel Elite Sports Academy. We are very thankful for their ongoing support, while enhancing the athletic performance of the young athletes in District Para, Suriname. This Non-Profit Organization is supervised by stg. O.K.E TVonline.

  • Junior Champs Sport Academy

    JC Sport Academy is een Junioren orgaan gesponsored door Ezekiel Elite SPorts ACademy. WIj zijn dankbaar voor hun inzet en het op pijl brengen van de jonge atleten hun sport prestaties in District Para, Suriname. Deze Non- Profit Organisatie is onder toezicht van stg, O.K.E TVonline.

Now on okeTVonline! Hitsingle "Allerliefste"

When we heard the name Imani Marley  at O.K.E TVonline, we immediatly thought about music, positive vybes and passion! On March 2019 at the age of 10, Imani Marley came to our attention with the song "school" which she recorded with her sisters. We were highly impressed by her performance. After our first meeting we at okeTVonline confirmed that all the aforementioned aspects were her number 1 qualities. Imani Marley is eager to learn, shows dedication and is motivated to get her mission accomplished. This is why we proudly present her to you. Imani Marley dares to... #DREAMBIG

Dream big and work hard to add colors to your story

Beste luisteraars, ik ben Imani Marley jongste kind van mn vader Marlon Ristie aka Halve bekend van de kaseko formatie La Caz, La Rouge, Se7en en H&R. Trots volg ik m'n vaders muziekcarriere op en daarom presenteer ik aan jullie "Allerliefste" die we samen hebben opgenomen. Volg mijn activiteiten op download de track en geniet ervan! ~Peace out doei! 

Halve ft Imani ~ Allerliefste

A star is born, Imani is her name!

Imani Marley born on March 28 as Imani Marley Agnes Ristie in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Imani has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. She is the youngest among her siblings. Imani follows her father Marlon Ristie's footsteps in many ways. Marlon Ristie aka Halve, is a well known and very appreciatied musician and lead singer from the  kaseko band La Caz, La Rouge, Se7en and H&R. Imani enjoys playing the trumpet, loves to sing, dance and play soccer. Not to forget that she is currently working on enhancing her DJ skills which you will hear more about here on Follow Imani Marley on:


Imani dares too... #DREAMBIG 

Slaapfeestje vlog

Race 2 Top

Tachana Dalger,

The one and only TOP ranking female cyclist in Suriname is ready to take her cycling career to greater heights. Stg. okeTVonline therefore launched her "Race 2 TOP" campagne in December 2019. Tachana is properly preparing for the World Championship. Her goal is to show all minors, especially young girls that you can be whatever you want to be if you just believe, focus and work hard to accomplish that goal. Together with your help, Tachana will be able to get her mission accomplished. Stg. okeTVonline is proudly supporting Tachana. Would you like to know why? Tachana dares to... #DREAMBIG 

Tachana Dalger, een veel belovende getalenteerde 19 jarige jonge dame begon in 2015 haar carriere als wielrenster. Op 12 jarige leeftijd leerde Tachana voor het eerst fietsen en vanaf haar 15de jaar heeft ze het gepresteerd om zowel middels tijdrit als op de wegrace veelvoudig kampioenschap van Suriname te worden. Tachana focussed zich huidig volledig op het baanwielrennen en heeft ten doel om als jonge vrouwlijke en trotse Surinamer een nieuw mijlpaal te behalen in deze sport.




2015 tot Heden

Wielrenster van het jaar

2019 Elite Panam Baan Kampioenschappen

9de plaats (36.008 sec) en een nieuw Surinaams Record op de 500m

17de op Sprint (11.76) Tevens nieuw Surinaams Record

2018 Junior Pan-America Baan kampioenschappen

4de plaats (36.56 sec) Surinaams Record

2017 Junior Caribbean Cycling Championships

2x Brons


2017 IGS

2x Goud

2016 Easter grand prix in Trinidad

Most outstanding U17 female cyclist


Voor het behoudt en de groei naar succes is het nodig dat Tachana naar 1 van de omliggende Caricom landen gaat. Helaas heeft Suriname nog niet de nodige faciliteiten om in de verdere ontwikkeling op het gebied van wielrennen te voorzien. Het dichtsbij zijnde en financieel meest haalbare is op dit moment Trinidad, waar Tachana zich zo goed mogelijk op het seizoen van 2020 zal kunnen voorbereiden. Dit houdt in dat Trinidad voor minstens 1 jaar Tachana haar thuis basis zal worden, sinds ze daar over een moderne wielerbaan beschikken. Vanuit Trinidad zal Tachana verder haar internationale wielren carierre voort kunnen zetten. De meest belangrijke evenementen in 2020 zijn:

  • Elite Pan-America Baan Kampioenschappen
  • Deelname aan een paar wedstrijden in onze regio om zoveel moegelijk UCI punten te vergaren. Enkele zijn Trinidad Fire on wheels, Copa Cuba, Copa Columbia, Venuzuela Copa, Mexico en USA            


Op 27 april 2020 wordt Tachana 20 jaar! In verband met haar verjaardag vraagt ze niks anders dan hulp bij het verwezenlijken van haar droom. Sinds Tachana zich klaarmaakt om naar Trinidad af te reizen heeft ze aan stg. okeTVonline gevraagd om de gestartte campagne "Race 2 Top" in de special edition van "Mijn Krant" te vervangen met een verjaardags schenking bij de Hakrinbank naar Tachana Dalger op rekening nummer

Wij zijn SUPER TROTS op Tachana en gunnen haar het allerbeste toe!

Op zondag 3 mei 2020 mocht okeTVonline live aanwezig zijn bij het interview tussen Jean-Pierre en het Ministerie van Sport en Jeugdzaken. We were very honored to have the first footage of this interview with Jean-Pierre and Department of Sport and Youth Suriname. This interview can be viewed on

A Healthy Morning Routine

A successful day usually starts with a healthy morning routine. My morning routine is as follows:

- Wake up at 6 am
- Drinking a glass of water
- Motivation boost (Read/Listen)
- Mirror reflection: "I can do this!"
- Taking a cold shower
- Enjoying breakfast 

All these tasks are necessary to me. I therefore make sure to prepare myself accordingly the night before, in order to minimize any obstacles which may occur along the way. What does your morning routine look like?

Clean bike, fast ride

I usually wash my bike twice a week, but try to clean my drivetrain after each ride. Proper maintenance of your bike, makes it shine bright😀 Would you like to know which products I use for my bike shower? Keep an eye out on the next update! How many times do you wash your bike?

Janice heeft voor dit platform gekozen, omdat ze ook tot GenZ behoort en vele talenten heeft die ze wilt belichten. Een van de highlights in haar carriere is haar dienstbaarheid als kinderwerker. Huidig vervult ze de functie als virtual assistant voor de mentor van stg. okeTVonline en we hebben vernomen dat ze dit erg zorgvuldig doet. Janice is flexible, accuraat en punctueel. Ze werd vanuit stg okeTVonline ook onlangs voorgedragen als een betrouwbaar persoon en kreeg daardoor een job als woningbeheerder die ze binnenkorrt zal starten. Kortom, stg. okeTVonline geeft meer mogelijkheden dan je soms van had gedroomd. Janice is een grote fan van the JC's Twins and she absolutely dares to... #DREAMBIG 

Heb jij een sprekende planner nodig? Bel Janice, zij brengt jou agenda tot leven! (+597) 888.2835

  • The JC's Twins

    The JC's Twins are reporters that love to travel and will take you places to explore the Carribean breeze.

  • Jaifa Gweneth

    A top choreographer, who is not afraid to show her skills. Follow and support her talent on okeTVonline!

Change with Change

At 10km distance from the Zanderij International Airport in Suriname, you will find the location of this sweet and peaceful place. This nature surrounded home will uplift the mind, body and spirit by the use of the medicinal fruits and vegetables that are locally grown. Whether for private use, homeaway vacation rental or to start a small business, this multi-purpose area will be a great asset for you. Treat yourself with this masterpiece or turn your penny into an opportunity by donating this home for the continuation of okeTVonline and development activities. This beautiful home away from home will be by far the best investment ever made! 

* This is an okeTVonline fundraising activity

  • Front

    Enjoy the ambiance of the finest nature at this beautiful front patio.

  • Living Room

    With this spacious livingroom and open kitchen, your cravings will be irresistible.

  • Bedrooms

    This home has 3 rooms for your convenience.

  • Shower/ Toilet

    There is 1 shower, 1 toilet and 1 basin in the restroom area.

For more information feel free to call,

(+597) 888.2835

Thank You!

We thank all who support club JC's Mission and Media Production.  Without your help we wouldn't be able to get all these missions accomplished🤭